Thursday, November 8, 2007

New Deal = Real Deal

The New Deal -- not all that political-depression-era boring stuff you learned in history class. This New Deal is made up of Jamie Shields, Dan Kurtz, and Darren Shearer and hails from Toronto, Canada. Using just bass, drums and keyboard, they bring a new twist to the idea of electronic music -- they play it live, and not live like a noodle-y jam band would (in fact, they would be appalled if you called them a jam band).

This is not your usual dance music either, with djs, laptops, and drum machines. Rather than replaying files created on ProTools, The New Deal bend and blend live sounds created on the spot,
backed by rhythms as fast and tight as a drum machine. The vibe they create at their live shows is unbelievable; it is impossible to not dance as they effortlessly combine elements of all kinds of electronic music -- breakbeat, acid jazz, drum and bass, and house -- into a mind-blowing meld that will leave you sweaty and wanting more.

Their touring schedule is very limited this Fall, so I would suggest not missing them this Thursday at Pearl Street 8:30pm. You can get tickets Here

Here is a sweet, sweet video of The New Deal at The Middle East to give you a feel for how awesome their shows are. I highly suggest you take the 3 minutes to watch it and get excited. The last time they came to Pearl Street, they played a sick set, so get off the couch, peel yourself away from the TV for a night, and get your blood moving.

Thursday at Pearl Street 8:30pm. Do it.
