Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ani Difranco Set List 7/12/08 @ The Pines Theater Northampton

WRSI 93.9 The River hooked 20 listeners up with passes to watch Ani soundcheck on Saturday afternoon. A few of us IHEGgers joined them on the otherwise empty lawn and were treated to a handful of songs, some reworkings of others, and some casual onstage banter...a musiacally voyeuristic treat for the gathered slightly-more-rabid-than usual Ani fans. There were more songs than listed here in the soundcheck but I missed them...had to drive back to town and fetch Kimya's merch...duty called.

Soundcheck: Swan Dive, Welcome To, Nicotine

Concert: Anticipate, Half Assed, Angry Anymore, Gravel, Modulation, Decree, Subdivision, As Is, Atom, Present/Infant--> New Song, Way Tight--> New Song, Two Little Girls, Reckoning, Alla This-->New Song, Everest, Shameless

Encore: Evolve, Little Plastic Castle, Overlap

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